Today, we are going to see one of the Calanques. We drive as we can to the trail. We were supposed to be able to get to a little restaurant but that didn’t happen. We had to park and walk up, then doooowwwwnnnn. Phew! Once at the restaurant, there was about 1.5k to walk to get to our destination- a more secluded Calanques. There is a beach at the first one, but it more like a gravel beach. Off we go.

We start combining and get to some terrifying (to me) parts. I push myself to go through, I can’t. I sit for a while to compose myself. I don’t want to let Rémi or myself down. He’s a trooper and tells me he doesn’t mind. I mind. I am stubborn, I am not a quitter because it’s difficult, I know I can do this, I give it a second try. We get through this difficult bit.
The rocks here are extremely slippery. Again, it’s like walking on ice. Another problem is that once fear has a grip on you, it’s very difficult to shake it off. You lose all your power and confidence. If it has never happened to you, then you can’t understand. There is nothing you can say to help either. You, as the “victim” just have to talk yourself out of it... easier said than done.

Anyway, back on track. More dicy sections-I am able to get through with Rémi helping me through it, holding out his hand, pointing to good spots for my feet. We get to the last straw- I turn a difficult corner and see a a very narrow and steep climb up shiny rocks. Shiny =not good. There is a little rope to help you up (or to hold on for dear life). I instantly know There is no way in hell I can do this. Physically I could- no doubt in my mind. Mentally is another story. I am frustrated, crying, not wanting to quit but I have no choice. It wouldn’t be safe for me to do this. I know this and I have to respect this. Not easy to turn around when you are 200m away from your destination and you’ve already conquered difficult sections at least 5 times. What can you do...

We turned back, knowing I had all those difficult parts to get through a second time. Trust me, it’s not any easier the second time around!
We finally get through it all and make our way to the wild beach. This means it’s a rock and water. I get my swimsuit on, start walking in but man! The water is freezing! It’s really deep here, the water doesn’t warm up like on a beach! Neither Rémi or I wanted to go in. Brrr! So we walked to the first beach we had seen. “Beach”. It’s more like gravel! Ouch! We did make our way in. The water wasn’t any warmer though! We had to walk another 4k or so back up to our car. The heat is stifling. I sure was glad when we arrived at the car!

On our way back, we stopped at The Basilique Notre Dame de Garde. Up 200 stairs- wow! What a beauty! And the view!!! It even made Marseille look pretty! (Marseille is dirty, tons of ugly tagging and graffiti- yuck).

It would have been nice to go to the beach but every parking were full, so were the road sides so we just went back to our room to relax. I am tired, exhausted really- all this stress wears on a person. We had dinner at Burger King- was pretty gross but I had nothing left in me.
Now we have to pack our bags properly as tomorrow we take the train to Paris. It’s 7:30 and I am ready for bed! Good night!
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