Thursday, August 4, 2022

Malta to Glendives

Short driving day today!  We are only going about 3 hours away because we have an outing tomorrow in Glendives.  

Just a few miles from our takeoff, we came up to a town called Saco.  In front of a garage type building was these big pieces or artwork made of old car parts and things. Of course we stopped and took some pictures.

On our way, we had 2 stops Sophie wanted to do - both in Glasgow -The Loaded Toad and Mary's Mercantile - We got a drink at the toad and a couple photos outside and walked a block to Mary's - a store filled with odds and ends.  We spent a good amount of time there -probably more than an hour listening to the owners stories about the past.  She was very interesting! 

We then continued our drive to Glendive, stopping at a bar on the side of the road to use the washroom. 
Supposedly, bars are not a place to go unless you want trouble... no trouble was had. 

We arrived in Glendive, went out for lunch then had a bit of a nap.  It's really hot again - 34+ degrees.  

Makoshika State Park was our last stop of the day.  WOW!  What a beautiful park! Thank you Sophie for
wanted to go! If you've been to Drumheller, Alberta, you will have an idea of what this place looks like - except much larger! We hiked a few trails, walked on a natural bridge, saw birds, chipmunks and even a lizard. 

The grasshoppers are still ridiculous!  They are so loud it's almost like you are in a Hitchcock movie!  "Attack of the Grasshoppers".  When you walk, there are hundreds that fly/jump off hitting you.  Our car well... will need a major wash and I'm not doing it!  EWWW! We still have a state full of grasshoppers to go through! Man! 

Roadkill: 2 foxes and multiple little things including birds

Birds: violet green swallow, turkey vultures, robins, others birds that haven't been identified yet

Farm animals: cows, horses, sheep

Wild animal: ground squirrel, rabbit, lizard

Tomorrow, we go fossil hunting with a farmer. Should be fun!  Early rise to get it done before the crazy heat.

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