Let's start with a funny story - we are driving down the highway - two lanes, 65miles an hour - we've just had lightning and thunder, everything is good and beautiful when all of a sudden, I see something in the middle of the road. I yell Oh my God! Oh my God! an armadillo!! I hit the breaks, turn around only to find a turtle. Duh- I know there are no armadillos in Nebraska - they live south of the states... why did my eyes/brain see an armadillo? I have no idea! Rémi will never let me forget that one I'm sure.
I'm still happy I got to see this turtle - it's one I've never seen before - I've been identified it as a Blanding's turtle. We have some in Ontario but I've never seen one. Yip! Yip!
Our one planned stop was Carhenge in Alliance, Nebraska. Yup, a little weird but fun nonetheless!Second story - this one not as funny - it's kind of sad. We stopped in Wyoming somewhere for lunch. I'm wearing my Be equal t-shirt. In the restaurant, as we were eating, some man had a comment about having the right pronouns to be able to use the bathroom, and laughing - I didn't think much of it at the time, just that it was an ignorant comment. We left the restaurant and went right next door to fill up before continuing on our way when all of a sudden, some cute older man knocked on my window. I put it down halfway to see what he wanted. He says: "When I saw your t-shirt, I knew you definitely were not from Wyoming - in fact, I see you are from a different country!" To which I replied that yes, we are very accepting of differences and people. He then asked where we were headed to. When I told him we were headed to Montana, he made a face. I think he was thinking they are even worse than Wyoming (in being open-minded). Maybe I read more into it, but it sure felt real. He thanked me, and wished us a good trip.
Farm animals of the day: you guessed it cows! I'm starting to think there are more cows and people in
Nebraska! a cat, horses, a donkey and buffalo.
Birds: lots of birds of prey - red tailed hawk, turkey vultures (sunning),
something I think is a grosbeak, blackbirds, pelicans, ibis, mallards, coots, night herons, great blue heron, shore birds (will have to have Sophie identify them for me)
Road kill: fox, turtle (not my turtle, I saved it), some little creatures like mice maybe?
Random thoughts:
- Nebraska is interesting - has everything from tall grass, to grasslands that look dead, rock walls, trees, corn fields. It's a special place!
- Wyoming so far has a lot of grass land - it looks yellow and dead. You can see white capped head in the cloud mountains in the distance - we followed the Big Horn range - nice!
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