What a night! Of course, it rained all night! I'm starting to think that the sun never shines in Iceland as we've had about 5 minutes of sun since we are here. We left Vik to make our way to Hofn. Luckily, the clouds cleared when we arrived in glacier land! We had sun most of the day! It's about time! On the way, we did a hike at Skatafell. There we saw glaciers, waterfalls (again), and some more than 100 year old houses. That was the highlight of the hike. It’s neat to see how these tiny little homes are built in the mountain.
Once we finished our hike, we continued our way and stopped at two glacier lagoons. They were both beautiful place! It’s basically a lake filled with icebergs - which are really large pieces of the glaciers that have broken off and have fallen in the lake, now melting. It’s beautiful and sad at the same time… That’s the climate change for you… wether it’s caused by humans or naturally occurring… the ice caps are melting.
At the second lagoon, we saw a few seals playing in the water - they got in because this lagoon went to the ocean. We also saw tons of terns. Something interesting - these birds fish to feed there young - then there are the arctic jager - who work in groups of two or three to scare the tern so it will drop its fish and they then steal it! They are lazy hunters!!! At some point, it looked like they were going to drown the poor little tern - but it was smart enough to let go of the fish just in time! Makes me happy I’m not a tern.
We are now in Hofn, where we will camp for the night. Remi is setting up the tent as I’m charging my laptop and writing this…see? like the tern and the jager - he does the work while I play =)
Did I mention that you can find sheep pretty much everywhere! Lots of moms with her babies - they are very skittish though... can't get close to them!
The truck I would have liked to have. |
The truck I had. |
Plants are very fragile here. Here's a pretty little flower.
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