We got up early this morning to get in line to possibly get a chance to see the Game of Thrones cast. The line started at 7am and went until 10. We figured if we got there close to 9 we should be ok. Well, think again! We got in line at 7:20… and were already close to 1 km away from the start of the line. We waited probably 1:30 minutes in line… to a sold out show. Damn! Wasted all that time in line. Oh well! It’s part of the experience I guess. We could’ve been sleeping all that time…
We moved on to our next “want to” experience and got in no problem: the Big Bang Theory Writers’ panel. Well, we didn't really want to see that, but in order to see the next panel after and not wait in line, we went in. Sure and glad we did! It was fantastic! The person who plays Rajesh was the host! A little bit later, the person who plays Amy showed up as well! The writers were all very interesting and the stories they had to tell were great too! They had written a fanfiction for Amy and Rajesh to read - it was hilarious! Wish I'd taped it!
After BBT was done it was time for Falling Skies - wasn't as good as I’d thought it would be because it was all about the last season and obviously we haven’t see it yet as it just started to air and we are not home! It was cool to see most of the main actors there though. I never realized that Kochi was a real person in a costume! I just assumed it was CGI. Doug Jones actually plays Kochi and Kochi’s father! Huh! Who would’ve known!

We then had lunch and just walked around the vendors building for a long while. It’s not as crowded as expected - I guess too many people are in line somewhere else! haha! There’s always that 3 mile long line outside for people who want a chance at getting into Hall H tomorrow… yes- you read correctly - I said tomorrow! People were already lined up this morning! C-R-A-Z-Y!!! I’m sorry - that is just ridiculous. You pay all that money to wait 12 + hours in line and do nothing else… That makes no sense to me or to Sophie.

We had frozen yogurt for dinner -we wanted a light dinner because we had a race a 6pm. Well, it didn’t end up being much of a race. It was less than a km long! It was lots of fun though! It was The Walking Dead themed race. We followed a “guide” along who would help keep us safe. On the way, we evaded zombies and mean people - Yes Negan, that would be you! There was a storyline and we had fun. Just not very long - thank goodness -some people looked like they were going to die - or cry! LOL

After the “race” we were supposed to get makeup on and participate as a walker. Ends up we didn't get to do that because they were too slow at putting the make-up and we had another engagement at 8pm. Good thing we left that line because what an adventure it was finding the door to go to the concert! People, if you are going to organize big events, could you not be organized and know where things are? We asked I don’t know how many people - every single one sent us to a different place - and none of them were correct! We did find the correct door and did get there in time. Get where you wonder? A concert featuring Emily Kinney. It was an intimate concert in the stadium. I’d say there were 50 or so people. We were so close we could've touched her =) . She has a very pretty voice! She also talks to the crowd - which is always nice. She seems very innocent.
After the concert - hotel it was. Long day!
Other things worth mentioning:
- took 17 000 steps
- Emily Kinney is a tiny little thing
- bad organization makes people unhappy
- saw an osprey while waiting in line-it was on a sailboat mast
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