We pack up and leave for Old Faithful. On the way, we stopped to see bubbling mud pots. Pretty cool thing to see! We also saw the artist paintpots - different holes of mud with different colours - it almost looked like an artist's paint palette! The colours are created by the bacteria and algae that live in different temperatures.
We saw a geyser called spasm geyser... it was pretty spastic! We arrived at Old Faithful just in time to see it erupt. Wow! It wasn't quite as exciting as I expected it to be. There was a lot of smoke and so difficult to see the water.
Later that evening, I went by myself to take a walk. There are various little pathways to see different water features. I will have to return tomorrow as I didn't bring my camera. I also got to see Old faithful a second time. This time, it was quite spectacular! It sure shoots up high! With the sunset in the background, it's quite a site to see.
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