When we arrived in Mammoth, our cabin wasn't ready and so off we went to the education center to get our maps and other information and lunch. Once done, we got in the car to go see our first thermal features.

One of the first things we saw when we arrived in Mammoth is a man gouged by a bison. I don't understant... there are big signs everywhere that say wildlife is dangerous - do NOT approach... so why would someone think it's okay to get close? Was this person blind and didn't see the 50 signs since the entrance? If you don't understand the words you should understand the picture don't you think?
We move on to see our first spring. When we had heard of Mammoth Springs we automatically thought of hot springs, wading in hot water, just like in Banff National Park. Boy were we wrong! I've never seen anything like this before! The colours are absolutely wonderful, the smell - not so much! It smells like rotten eggs due to the gases found everywhere. Bubbling water -which we later learned was gases escaping from the earth. In some places, the bubbling water is actually boiling water but we will talk about that later. When you get to Yellowstone, you learn very quickly the importance of staying on the marked paths. There are signs everywhere - falling through thin crust would result in death... ouch!
After walking in scorching hot weather we were able to get to our cabin. We were able to get a very cute cabin for the 4 days we were there). It was so cute and well maintained, clean and best of all: no spider webs! We had to use a community washroom but whatever! They were also very clean - with no bugs in site!
This was a very long day- lots of walking -probably 5 - 6 km - and learning - I like to read all the signs and learn - often annoying the rest of the family.
I look forward to seeing what tomorrow will bring!
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